Nobody likes waiting for a slow site to load. Your website speed will impact your SEO, sales and user experience. Half of the people will leave if your site doesn’t load in 3 seconds or less. In this presentation, we went over tips and techniques that can dramatically increase your website performance. We learned about online tools that will help measure your website speed as well as how you can implement steps to improve it.
Direct link to the slides from the presentation: “Speeding Up WordPress”.
Here are the resources and links that I mentioned in this presentation:
Free tools to measure website speed:
GT Metrix
Pingdom Tools
Resources to optimize images:
Tiny PNG – Web Interface – Web Interface
EWWW Image Optimizer – WordPress Plugin
Compress JPEG & PNG images – WordPress Plugin
Caching plugins:
WP Rocket – Popular Premium Caching Plugin
WP Super Cache – Free WordPress Plugin by Automattic
Thanks to everyone who came out to hear this presentation. Let me know if you have any questions!